首页 芝麻学日语 旅行日文,对于新手小白如何搞定旅行日语?


如果在旅游途中懂得一些旅游日文,那岂不是很乐哉。当然你想尝试更加优质的日语材料和更加优惠的日语培训价格,不妨尝试报名 吧!有无限的惊喜等着你。这是免费试听链接:

If there are some difficulties in language communication, the travel will not panic unless the preparation is sufficient.It is necessary to make a detailed itinerary plan. You can go online to search the local introduction or buy some books about tourism in this country, and then identify the cities or scenic spots you want to visit. It is also necessary to book hotel, restaurant and pick-up service in advance so as to avoid the trouble of consulting everywhere and finding routes. Of course, apart from traveling with groups, you don t have to worry about these problems.It s better to prepare a travel list in Chinese and English and a map in Chinese and English, so that when you get lost, you can take out the map and ask others for directions.
Learn some basic English words
B|ore leaving, you can learn some basic English words, such as Hello , Thank you , Excuse me , I m lost , and so on. If you can t learn, you can also write some simple English and Chinese vocabulary on a small card for use.
Preparing a Chinese-English manual
In addition to learning simple English vocabulary, it is also necessary to prepare a more comprehensive Chinese-English handbook, which can be used in hotels, restaurants, airports and other places, as well as to communicate with the local people with the Chinese-English handbook.Of course, body

language can also be used, some foreign friends should understand.


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