首页 芝麻学日语 旅游基本日语,快快收藏吧!



1. passport 护照
issue passport 签发护照
2. visa 签证
exit visa 出境签证
transit visa过境签证
entry visa 入境签证
3.fill in the form 填写表格
Please fill in the relevant information. 请把相关信息填写好
4.Customs 海关
Passport, please! 请出示护照
5. expressions in the air 机上用语:
Sir, what would you like drink? 先生,您想喝点什么?
Coffee or cola |还是可乐
6.hotel 酒店 
double room 标准双人间
single room 单间
7.restaurant 餐馆 
Could I see the menu, please?请给我菜单可以吗?
Could I see the wine list, please?请给我酒单可以吗?
8.take p

hoto 照相
Can you geta full-body shot?你能够拍全身吗?
Excuse me, can you take a photo for me? 打扰一下,您能帮我照张相吗?
Could you take one more picture for me from this angle?你能不能从这个角度再帮我照一张啊?
9.obey the local traffic law 遵守当地交通法规
Don t jaywalk. 不要乱穿马路。
Traffic light 交通灯 
green light 绿灯
red light 红灯
10.visit with civilization 文明参观 
throw the trash to the trash box / dustbin 将垃圾丢入垃圾箱
t is everyone s duty to take care of the environment 爱护环境,人人有责
11.shopping 购物
How much? 多少钱?
Any discount? 有折扣吗?
May I try it on? 我可以试穿一下吗?
Charge or debit? 使用信用卡或是电子钱包?
Can you give me the invoice?能不能给我一张发票?
Do you pay by card or by cash? 你是刷卡还是付现金?
It s small, do you have a larger size? 太小了,有大一点的尺寸吗?
I want to take the raincheck for the eggs.我要拿一张鸡蛋的raincheck。
Excuse me! Can you tell me where the Hilton hotel is? 打扰一下,您能告诉我希尔顿酒店怎么走吗?
Go straight, then turn l|t at the cross. 直走,到了十字路口左转。
Is it far from here?离这远不远?
Yeah, it s pretty far actually if you re going by foot.
Are there any land marks nearby?
It should take about 20 minutes by taxi.
I want to go to….我想去…
Could you take me to …?请开到……
I d like to go to …我要去……
restroom, washroom, bathroom, toilet, 
Where is the restroom,please? 请问洗手间在哪儿?
I need some air-sick medicine.我要点晕机药。
I m looking for my friend.我在找我朋友。


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